Bowls of Howls

Bowls of Howls by aleksei mikhailov from russia

designer's own words:

Gas range is a very inefficient device from the point of view of heating engineering
because of a very low coefficient of efficiency. However, during over a century
and a half manufacturers of steam-boilers are familiar with technical decisions
which can revolutionary enhance such situation. Highly effective cooking pan
for boiling water consists of numerous sinusoidal-shaped channels which are conducting
hot gases from the fire. In such manner these gases are heating water
and not spreading the heat to the environment (as it happens with traditional pans).
The additional effectiveness is attained by the border of heat-resistant glass near the bottom
of the pan, which is directing the heat from the fire to the inner channels of the pot and,
at the same time, lets visual controlling of the gas cooker’s fire.

Internal structure

bowls_of_howls_2.jpg Common view