green credit

green credit by satyajeet patwardhan from india

designer's own words:


Grow your Green credit score !! Grow your future Green !! Grow your conscious Green !!

Green designs often fail where they become expensive than economical solutions..
Is anything greener than the money itself??
If not, then no strategy will succeed until money is the criteria..
But what if the money itself becomes green?
What if the 'Green' itself replaces money and becomes the future currency?

A simple ‘NO COST’ thought that is about to bring the GREATEST GREEN REVOLUTION EVER ! It will affect every aspect of our life. It will not just teach us to buy/sell green but also to live green!! It is the only certain way to bring the change!!


The idea of ‘GREEN CREDIT’ will re-introduce a Green credit card. Every person will have only one card to purchase anything & everything. This credit card will have a thin green magnetic line on the magnetic strip of our conventional type credits cards. This green line will read the green credits of every product purchased. Every product will have a bar-code which will contain the information about its green content apart from its cost. Every person having only one credit card will keep record of his/her green credit history throughout his/her life. Every step you take towards saving your planet will fetch you green credits however an opposite action will add red credits which will have negative impact on the green credit score. Initially Green credit will help in getting tax and other benefits. Eventually Green Credits will replace current different currencies and will become the only currency in future for trade and commerce.


Green line credit report will have several different categories such as energy, transportation, food, life style etc. Thus every person will be able to keep an account of his green credit score in different categories every week/month/year and even over a lifespan ! Every person will have an assigned amount of consumption level for gas, electricity, junk food, alcohol, water etc. and exceeding this limit will end up in red credits. Personal fitness and health is as important as fitness of our planet. Green line credit card idea will provide you green credits for every step that takes closer to it. Purchase of organic food will always earn green credits however a pack of cigarettes will always earn red credits. Idea of green credit aims a picture of green people living healthy life on a green planet. The idea of green credits will be a U-Turn from the expected future which is definitely not detached from the problems of global warming, climate change, non bio-degradable waste, unhealthy lifestyle, fuel shortage etc. The concept of Green Credit Cards don’t believe at slowing down our current 'non-Green' way of living but it aims at reversing the cycle.

If can afford, it does not mean one has got a right to spend. Green credit believes in this philosophy not just at person to person level but also at neighborhood, city and even at country level. One will be able to know not just how green he/she is but also how green is his neighborhood/city/state or even his country. Initially, green credits will help in getting tax benefits, discounts for different insurance and other concessions for first 5 years. This period will give all the different countries, manufacturers and people to setup their personal agenda to go green. However, Green credit will replace current different currencies after 5 years and will become the only currency in future. Entire world will deal using green credit as a currency. Every country will have to earn green credits for trade and commerce etc. The concept of developed or developing country will be based on the efforts towards saving our planet and not any piece of paper which we call money. This simple concept will be a line dividing our spoiled past and promising future.


This simple concept will make our future generations more responsible towards our planet. The idea will not only make us aware of our personal green contribution to save our earth but also will awaken one’s conscious.

This simple concept will bring the harmony of humanity and nature.
This simple concept will bring the imagination that enables sustained urban life.
This simple concept will buffer radical changes in society.
This simple concept will bring the link between business activities and consumer activities.
This simple concept will be the tool that expresses beautiful imagination of people.
This simple concept will bring the philosophy of 'iida.'

Green Credit Card and Green Gredit encoded Barcode

copy_506_02.jpg The way to Greener Earth

copy_424_03.jpg Personal Green Credit Report