anastasia kitchen corner (akc)

anastasia kitchen corner (akc) by demidova polina from switzerland

designer's own words:

akc includes

- an inexpensive waste processor designed to transform food waste
- a simple water reuse system
- a small home garden

akc is

- a nice and inexpensive add-on module to any kitchen, in an apartment block or in a second home
- a self-sustaining power station transforming bio-gasses (methane) from food waste into electric power
- a cosy desktop vegetable garden watered by water reused from sink and dishware drier.

akc allows

- to reuse bio-waste to fertilize kitchen plants
- to benefit from useful & aesthetic presence of vegetables and herbs in one's kitchen
- to achieve an almost self-sufficient "cook-eat-throw-reuse-grow-cook" life cycle.

use of environment-friendly inexpensive materials and highly customizable solutions, including lightning and water supply adapted to national and local standards, provides economical and moral benefit to the user.

(akc1.jpg) legend translated from Russian

1. sink
2. waste
3. watering
4. plants
5. lightning

(akc1.jpg) legend translated

akc2.jpg anastasia kitchen reverie

akc3.jpg anastasia kitchen, lightning on