
birdhouse by denis popenkov from russia

designer's own words:

The most of goods are usually packed in a cartons box and also have a packaging foam, which is usually discarded. What is the reason for discarding things that can be helpful for the others?
My idea is to use this package with benefits to the environment, specifically for birds. Many products are usually packed in the four corners, wrapped up and down. My idea is that of the 4 parts of the package of goods, to create a modern birdhouse. The only thing you need is to connect several parts of a package and add some more details which are enclosed (an canopy and the panel for fixing a birdhouse which can be made of plastic). Then you are about to hang it on.
Considering the fact that package is used with most of goods the birdhouse proportions and form can vary while its components are constant.
When buying consumer goods you can use it not only for satisfying your needs but also for helping the other environment’s representatives.


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