sun square by Rui Palma from portugal
designer's own words:
Within an environment of growing concerns with the environmental problems and green energy, Sun Square is a project that intents to ally conventional urban equipments to renewable technologies. It is a concept that privileges innovative design and architecture in urban furniture initially focus on multimedia esplanades that incorporate photovoltaic (PV) technology. Autonomous, Renewable, Clean and Ecological are the main characteristics of the project for a multimedia esplanade. The main idea for the project is a multimedia esplanade where people can meet for the most various things, like business or social meetings. This esplanade resembles to a field of sunflowers, as the esplanades use as sunshades photovoltaic panels that load the batteries of each interface situated in these. Each sunshade can be autonomous and on the tables people have electric plugs and wireless connection to the internet so they can plug in their laptops and other working hardware.
View of the sunshades that follow te Sun like the sun flower.
Each sunshade can be autonomous and on the tables people have electric plugs and wireless connection to the internet so they can plug in their laptops and other working hardware.
Light at night.