massage bench by anastasiya gavrilova from russia
designer's own words:
The Ancient Greeks started using massage in sport. The Greek doctor Herodicos was the first to prove the physiological influence of massage on human organism. Hippocrates, who is called the father of medicine, studied the massage effects and successfully used it in his practice while treating various diseases. Today massage is still used for preparing muscles and joints before physical trainings and for relaxation after them.
I propose 2 kinds of materials for constructing the model of the massage bench:
1. Wood – classical Greek material.
2. Usage of current technologies: a metal frame and rubber massage cylinders.
The model of the massage bench looks like a modular construction of braced frame and sys-tem of ropes with pull-on massage cylinders. The system is easily taken apart for transportation. The modular principle makes it possible to set up any number of seats for relaxation.
massage bench