
ilovivy by viktor malakuczi from hungary

designer's own words:

I love ivy. It creates great athosphere, that’s why we can find it in countless gardens. Incheon, just like most modern metropolises is dominated by tall towers for working and living, large parks for leisure and wide strips of asphalt to connect them. My concept "ilovivy" aims to turn the area consumed by traffic into a green space, for filtering the air and the traffic noise, as well as for a more pleasing urban environment. Climbing plants are particularly appropriate for this job, since they grow fast and cover evenly all the reachable surface. However, they need some sort of support. As a support structure I designed a scaleable system using an eco-friendly material, bamboo. Bamboo is maybe the fastent growing plant on the Earth, an ancient building material. My design incorporates bamboo with contemporary industrialization. Using only one type of bent bamboo arc and one straight pole connected by a simple 3-way node and some stabilizing cables, large tunnels can be constructed rapidly with little manual labour. The resulting frame is always in tension and it can hold plant pots. This set-ut of bamboo and climbing plants can cover roads up to 6 lanes, or other public areas, thus creating a healthier and friendlier urban environment.

on the road

lap2b.jpg green tunnel

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