dbag movement

dbag movement by alessia kyong-ah lee from italy

designer's own words:

Not only a problem of public morals.
Nor a subject of hygiene.
It deprives us of the belief in people's good will.
There's also been a French artist who criticized it working on dog dung on the street in Paris.

But this project is based on the belief that people are ready to do right things and they need only a little convenience.
There have been many inventions on collecting dung but they are difficult to use or too bulky.
Some solutions that may be simple like a plastic bag, but with more intelligence, was in need.
Neither having to feel unpleasant by touching it through a single layer of plastic, nor being too complicated,
the DBag makes the task easier and more secure. It invites people to participate.

With two cardboard handles the user can avoid the risk of touching or feeling it. He will pick it in a second not even leaving a trace of it. And then those handles for picking become those for carrying.
The sense of guilty leaving the dog dung, turns into a satisfaction.
But the story does not finish here, this can be just a starting point: like aluminum cans or plastics, DBag can be collected separately and recycled through a fermentation machine.
This kind of machine, normally used in chicken ranches or farm etc, is the core of the 'fermentation center'.
The ecological convenience continues as the organic output of the machine could fertilize the all-around Eco-farm, that can also sell herb plants and small packs of organic fertilizer financing itself.

From the offensive smell into the perfume, the conversion from the negative extreme into the positive one.
The herb farm by itself says the spirit of this project.


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