
joinicle by jean ryu from korea

designer's own words:


Do you know the average calories of human?
Many people have more food than what they need to have for a day.
If we translate the left amount of hamburgers, it can be as same amount as 100 AA sizes of batteries. If we translate 2500kcal per day for people need, it can be as same amount as 3kw/h of electronic power, 1050 AA sizes of batteries or 60 hours of turning on the TV.

Therefore, we suggest the system that can be used more effectively through saving from unconsciously wasting energy.


These days, bicycles are so popular for echo campaign.
For example, we can see Paris’s velib and public bicycle in Seoul.
Citizens comfortably use the public bicycles and return it at the parking lot
Most of bicycle parking lots are located around 1~5kms from the subway stations.

It is just small amount of energy when one person saves his (her) energy by riding a bicycle. However, it’ll be huge amount of energy if lots of people save their power energy.

The Human power energy by riding bicycle can operate lots of electronic products when we transfer from power energy to electronic one.

If 5 adults push their pedal at the same time, truck, which is 1 ton, can move.
If 14 adults push it, 4000 of people can hear a sound through a speaker.
If we save human power energy who use their energy everyday, it can be an idea that we can save wasting energy, also people naturally save their energy.


Bicycle rack saves the left energy from human power energy by riding bicycle to electronic energy by transferring it. The energy from bicycle rack can be a lighting energy in pedestrian area. So we can save about 19% of energy in the world through this energy.

