
ale by davide romeo from italy

designer's own words:

This project is the “basic element” of a system to bring green into the houses thanks to an aeroponic process.
Aeroponic allow to growing plants in air without the use of soil by spraying the plant's roots with a nutrient rich solution.
This allow to follow the life of the plants from germination to the flowering and fruiting.
The heart of the system is a microprocessor which controls every aspect of the growth thank to sensors that monitor the activities.
The seeds are placed in a bio sponge then the system give the right temperature and the right umidity to allow the germination.
This happens due to the presence of an heating cable with a thermostat and a pump that spray the sponge with a nutrient rich solution.
The microprocessor use an internal timer to on/off the pump to give the right nutrients.
With sensors could also monitor other aspect of environment: wrong ph or electrical conductivity level, low water level, low light and more, allowing to control a light system, show informations on a LCD, or warn to refill the water tank.
Adding sensors or items is so possible to build always more complex objects like planes, tables, vertical elements, free standings, lights everyone with the same pure geometric element: the square.
The dimensions of this “basic element” are: 60 cm x 60 cm and 20 cm high.


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