the ecology culture center

the ecology culture center by byungkook lee from korea

designer's own words:

1. The main point of ecological culture center
I designated Banghak Crossroad Park at Banghak crossroad divided into four directions as Banghak Culture center. With regard to separated ways around the existing park, a difficult access to the park, no specific connection and traffic problems, the culture center, a symbol of blue Dobong, was created. The project focuses on the restoration of Banghak stream, a dry stream using ground water and rain under ground. The culture center will be located at the crossroad in the city with a mountain and a river, as the cultural center of the city, and expand green areas. A ground road way will solve the traffic congession problem. Transportation will separate people from auto mobiles. The center offers Teenagers like growing sprouts an education, a value of nature as a ecological experience and cultural activities and change its feature into a landmark of Dodong-gu matching with Green Dobong.

2. Culture center building
I remembered a story that sitting the middle of Dobong mountain and seeing down a village to find a site for Dobong auditorium, a king of Choseon Dynasty found a crane spending a peaceful time and named the site Banghakgul, and designed the culture center building holding culture center square like Bukhan mountain holding Banghakgul like a crane holding an egg. The outdoor is designed as a branch swing in the wind for harmonization with green areas. It plays bridge role connecting a park on the ground and one on the roof by Landscape connecting the ground and the roof.
Alternative energy systems are on the roof and indoor building. You can plant various plants on the roof by using seedbeds. Ecological photosynthesis creates oxygen and seeds blew off expand green areas. An water tank below the ceiling in the building stores water to decrease indoor temperature, after raining, the water goes to the site stream through a filter and enters into Banghak stream. Hot-water heating using solar collector reduces electricity useage.

3. Ecological Park formation
Water flows from high spot to low spot. Rain creates stream and sea. The cycle rotates that the sun evaporates the sea and rain cloud makes rain. The cycle of water is the motto of ecological culture center. Ground water and rain on the building make a small stream revitalize dry Banghak stream flowing to Jungryang stream flowing to Han-river. Various layers of land foster bio-diversity, create the shelter for various living things and rich ecosystem.
Natural purification system in the park purifies water prior to discharging water to banghak stream to enhance the quality of water, restores green Banghak stream. Unprecedented rich ecosystem will be in Banghak stream and Jungryang stream.

the ecology culture center

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