eco friendly multiple stroller

eco friendly multiple stroller by HOJOONG JEONG from korea

designer's own words:

It is a cold exterior but is Eco friendly and convenient characteristic of the user the variation which various with the stroller to increase the seat is possible and the seat in the frame will can fix on the rail separately and attaches and the use is possible even with the baby belt and the stroller also will be able to improve the convenient characteristic and a mobility of the different use self-acknowledgement parents. If also subject matter from uses the environmental subject matter. The seat part uses organic fabric and currently there is the environmental aluminum which frame part uses a possibility of reducing the atopy diseased problem of the infant where becomes the problem and recycling is possible and continuity there is a possibility of reducing a environmental contamination with the product which is possible. It is cold but is warm, it is city but mind of the parents toward the child who puts in a love to do the such stroller there was a possibility to be sufficient and design tried. The size of infantile article market shows the upturn of every year 10% or more and is growing on a large scale. But currently repaired the problem point where the importing brand dependence degree is high and saw and stroller a new direction the person design tried. With first of all recently is raising its head big problem and the environment problem. The part discrimination of quality of material led about the environment problem and tried to solve. Health problem of the child - in the present point of view where the issue where the atopy dermatitis is biggest is becoming tried to solve with Organic subject matter uses of the seat, the product kicks a many part under the frame part recycling used the aluminum subject matter which is possible. This aluminum subject matter is a possibility of reducing a environmental contamination because also recycling will be having a possible as well as sustainability. Also minimizes processing and the process which is unnecessary there made be a possibility of reducing. About fusion,Interflow and Consilience interpreted with two kind First, Interpretation of many-sidedness brazier of function. The stroller of the already many goods is coming out to the market analysis resultant current city and the many infantile article is coming out. But the different function is added in the stroller and convenient characteristic of the user to increase, movement conveniently, there is not a product which is the possibility of assisting to grasp a problem point and the baby belt and the grafting which are an infantile mobile means of the stroller outside tried to make. Combines these two kind and the mobility of the child of course also is will be able to maximize the convenient characteristic of the different use self-acknowledgement parents, The rail of the frame leads and simply, the attachment which burns was possible and also the aesthetic characteristic problem solved. Second,With the modern one design which is modern interpretation with fusion of the Eco friendly. Frequently the city and the farming village are thinking and being heterogeneous is contrary the product which is modern is sharp cold, is the preparation being thought that. But like this to be cold the product which seems sharply becoming help in environment, put in a love and if the such product was thought the also fusion of the part which is heterogeneous. The exterior of the stroller does the modern very and seems sharply and seems cold but the fact protected the child who earns the love of the parents and did always and together picked and to be one product subject matter also with cold exterior became the help differently in environment and did not injure the image of the such product was heterogeneous and to draw the shape which is harmonizing well tried the health of the child. Last, product design and the point which fades currently is new in the infantile article market where with the economic stagnation which is intense the rate of dependence on imports is high in difficult actuality and wishes and with domestic the possibility of coming in contact from the income product to be original is not, the possibility of making the product which is new was and to show the thing the convenient characteristic and an aesthetic characteristic of the user to want and considered which who spared and mind of the parents toward the baby whom loves under maximizing boil.

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