powered by you by jan kristian stroemsnes from norway
designer's own words:
Every day you use small electronic devices that makes your life easier, more comfortable and entertaining. As more of this equipment becomes mobile or wireless, the need for stored electricity also increases. As of today, we store the energy in alkaline or rechargeable batteries and our products depends on us to replace or recharge them.
While more alkaline batteries leads to more toxic waste, the rechargeable batteries leads to increased production of bi-products such as power adapters and docking stations.
'Powered by U' is a battery... but a different one. Aquiering power in a more environmental friendly way, requiring none of the items mentioned above... - except You!
It contains induction technology, transforming any directional kinetic energy into electricity, stored in one or more inbuilt rechargeable coin cell batteries.
This means that if you shake it, walk with it or by any other means move it, it gains power. The fact that its designed to fit within the measurements of many standard batteries, means that if you stick one in your remote control, wireless computer mouse or any other low energy consuming device you can instantly shake it to gain power.
Forget about further battery recharges or replacements.
All you need to do is replace your old and outworn batteries with Powered by U batteries.
To gain energy to your “brand new” old device,- just shake your remote control every once in a while, hold your Mp3 player in your hand while jogging, or navigate with your wireless computer mouse.
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