Helmet Winker

Helmet Winker by jaen se-gye world from korea

designer's own words:

As people becoming started to recognize the seriousness of environmental problem,
use of the bicycle which is green traffic is rising than the car which is red traffic.
However the bicycle road is limited, the bicycle and the car often running on the road at the same time. Hand signals of the bicycle use exists but an accident by carelessness with a bicycle user and a car is increasing. Therefore I propose bicycle Winker to exchange an efficient signal with a bicycle and a third person. The fine temperature difference that Fellows Research Group invented, and I used a generator to this design which able to exchange heat energy to an electric energy.
By using of coin size's small heat energy generators(MENS-TAR) I could use temperature which occur at helmets and I expect that it can reduces an accident, by operates Winker attached to a helmet. Winker uses OLED, and operates Winker by buttons attached on a handle by bluetooth.

This Winker is dsigned as able to attach & detach independently without helmet's thickness and a bicycle, besides, attach & detach possible to all helmets such as In-line skates, a motorcycle and etc.

Before image

copy_0_explanation_page.jpg Explanation image

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