
aerosign by davide romeo from italy

designer's own words:

Brings green into the house...this is the main goal of the project.
Hydroponic, aeroponic and the other indoor system already give the techniques to make it possible; now the design need to play with and realize objects to make it come true.
This projects allow to follow the life of the plants from germination to the flowering and fruiting.
The heart of the system is a microprocessor which controls every aspect of the growth thank to sensors that monitor the activities.
The seeds are placed in a bio sponge then the system give the right temperature and the right umidity to allow the germination.
This happens due to the presence of an heating cable with a thermostat and a pump that spray the sponge with a nutrient rich solution.
A level sensor give the informations about the water and, if the level is low warning to fill the tank.
When the plants are sprout in additions the high power LED start to give the right light to the plants.
The advantage of using LED is the low consumption, long duration and the possibility to give the plants the wavelength needed for photosynthesis.
Infact the diagram of the photosyntesis show the peaks which could be achieved thanks to the right wavelenghts LED.
A light sensor providing information about the quantity of light into the room allowing the microprocessor to adjust the time of ON/OFF of the LED.
Meanwhile, the pump continues to spray the nutrient solution to the roots and a small fan allows for further ventilation of the grow room.
The nutrient solution is monitored by two probes: the first controls the pH, the second the electrical conductivity.
The value are shown in the LCD that give the chance of making the right adjustments.
The dimensions are 80 cm high, 60 cm wide and 25 cm deep allowing modularity adding more elements laterally or opposing the create new furnitures.
The result is an object to show at the center of the room, stimulating curiosity and surprise; the plants and the shape interact with each other, the limited number of plants contained emphasizes their relationship with the object and the room.
The system allows to grow several different essences to create and experiment with, and enable the plants to become a piece of furniture always new and alive.

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