time limit by dstory33 seungyoun cha from korea
designer's own words:
Evolution of evil, we evolve ourselves by murdering. – David M. Buss -
Would there be any other sentence that reveals human cruelty as clearly as this one?
Recalling enormous amounts of evil actions perpetuated against nature by humanity for mere selfish desire, entertainment, or carelessness, this quote by Professor Buss does not seem to be limited to murder. This is because the entire world is suffering from disasters due to unusual climate changes; what used to be beautiful forest has become desolate desert ravaged by sandstorms, and a staggering number of animals and plants have either gone extinct or are endangered.
Like a fish who cannot survive out of water, humanity cannot survive outside of nature.
Rather than being a possession of humanity, nature is like a heart that gives us life and the umbilical cord that sustains us.
If humanity forgets these truths, the end result can be none other than our extinction.
Through this project, we try to convey the simple message that if nature is destroyed, humanity will vanish by using the visual effect of an hourglass and listing animals that have gone extinct.
time limit