
w.ind by plata michal from germany

designer's own words:

The W.IND is a vehicle for an escapist. It is an off-road vehicle inspired by nature and bicycles rather then todays SUV´s. It features a foldable propeller that, once the vehicle is parked in the countryside, is used to generate wind energy.
The main idea behind this project was to react on our society´s as well as the car industry´s development by providing a provocative and radical object that shows a different approach to the way we see vehicles.

Beyond generating energy, it features bicycle-like wheels, to reduce the footprint while driving through the nature. To support the experience of nature, it has an open cockpit in the front, where you put your goggles on and start the adventure. A closed cabin is situated in the back and provides space for two adults and a child.

The W.IND is about the dream of a "GREEN LIFE", of living in the nature, of escaping. It is supposed to be an inspiration to go out and expirience our environment.


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