home recycle device

home recycle device by eva repouscou from greece

designer's own words:

The HOME RECYCLE DEVICE is serving a home based recycle center. The device is minimized to the dimensions of a house indoor bin, but it accomplishes an operation of large ecological, economical and social importance.
The device can roll under the kitchen counter or stand salient in the space as it has a fine and sleek figure, remaining inactive when not set in function.
The HOME RECYCLE DEVICE receives recyclable items such are:
a. paper, press clips and all paperboard package material
b. aluminum packaging, tins and drink cans
c. plastic bottles and all plastic packaging and not bio-degraded plastic bags
d. glass bottles, jars

Motivation for the idea of the HOME RECYCLE DEVICE
A kitchen room contains a set of appliances that are essential to its function. These devices have been added one by one to the ergonomic design of the kitchen space, creating new areas for new needs and comforts. Especially after 1950, the technical and commercial advance of a number of innovations, transformed the kitchen space into a modern domestic laboratory (refrigerator, oven, microwave, dishwasher). Since then kitchen furnishing is completed with an extra number of electronic appliances that constantly evolve and consummate. The urgent appeal for a sustainable and ecologically friendly house management has transformed many of the above devices to energy-safe modes and versions.
The idea of the HOME RECYCLE DEVICE substantiates this need for a contemporary ecological household management.

Description of the idea
The operation of the device is actualized by touching the start button on the oblique surface and arranging the category to “glass”, “plastic”, “paper” or “metal” sign. The blades rotate in palindrome motion of a semicircle. The half blade is shaped in double-edged cutters and the other half in a glabrous convex surface that, by a throbbing motion, draws the pressing effect.
The input of the correct information on the control screen implements the appropriate of the above operations (crushing, pressing, shredding or combination).
The device can receive up to three medium pieces of packaging (glass or plastic bottles, paper volumes, tin cans) and takes 2-5 minutes to produce the triturate material.
The pieces of the crushed or pressed material are removed in recyclable hard paper bags and carried to collective recycle bins.
The handling of the device is performed by the adults of the household members, howbeit the device involves safety reflexive mechanisms by sealing off while functioning and while not operating.
Home recycle device reduces the volume of home recycle waste up to half as it renders it in shape of small pieces. Additionally it facilitates the next phases of the recycle program as it forwards little by little the material to the final stage by skipping the intermediate mass industrial procedure.
The recycle system bin has two different ways to victual energy:
- a solar rechargeable battery incorporated on the device’s corpus that can be reloaded and relocated. This choice is suitable if the device is situated outdoors and takes advantage of the day light and
-a plug that “borrows” electricity from the other house devices while working (tv, computer, oven, air-conditioner), eliminating their supply in a ‘safe mode’ for a particular period (scale of hours) of a weekly or monthly schedule. This idea keeps pace with new technologies of energy management and cooperation between household appliances and control of any supernumerary wasted energy.
The design of the device is based on advanced contemporary materials that are commonly utilized in electronics and sports equipment. Those elements ensure the product’s durability and the easy maintenance. The outer shell is made of tough polycarbonate. This type of plastic is recyclable as it can be made into new plastics.
The lateral parts of the device obtain flexibility as they consist in the rubbery texture of a silicon coated recyclable nylon web material. Silicone is non-decomposable and non- reactive material and offers a safe solution as it lasts for a long period and can be recycled in specialized recycle centers.
The inner crushing/pressing/shredding mechanism of the device is constituted by hard ally casting blades and supplemented by recyclable plastic assembled parts.

The proposed system HOME RECYCLE DEVICE gains equal importance as the rest kitchen devices. Maybe a 21st century house will leave out the microwave or the dishwasher, if not enough space, and definitely dispose a home recycle bin.

home recycle device overview

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