green street competition

green street competition by tommaso colia from italy

designer's own words:

This is a competition, a game, with the aim of stimulating awareness and bring people who live in cities close to Nature. It also stimulates socialization among people with similar interests.
Once enrolled in this game, the goal is to feed and grow their plant at best.
There is not a real winner, but you have to get a beautiful plant using the resources (water and light) in a sustainable way. You can grow different kinds of plants and flowers.
Once the plant is grown, it will be transplanted in a city park, and another person may start the game.
These stands are a minimal presence in the city; they are built in Corian, and they are fully self-sufficient about water and electricity. There is a small LCD display which suggests what to do: a tutor.

Green Street Competition

tommasocolia_green2.jpg Bringing people who live in cities close to Nature

tommasocolia_green3.jpg These stands are a minimal presence in the city