big things start small

big things start small by erinna santoso from singapore

designer's own words:

1. project scope:

This project is about the issue of sustainability, with a focus on the role of the meat industry as one of the major contributors to our earth’s environmental problems; and on vegetables as one of the most effective ways in combating the onslaught of global warming.
The project is geared more specifically to children. Why children? Because eating more vegetables and less meat is an issue of habit, and habits are formed during the growing stage. By focusing on teaching children to eat more vegetables from their early days, it will create a new generation that loves vegetable.

2. concept rationale: BIG thing start small

Just by subtituting one meal of chicken per week with vegetable-based food will have a similar impact as taking more than half-million cars off US roads.This fact shows that a simple thing as changing our eating habit can have a very significant impact on our environment. This is a simple thing to do, and everyone can participate in doing it.

Every big thing starts from small things. Small is the beginning to big. Small also means easy; It is an easy thing to do, so most of us can do it right away. Most of the time people are not willing to go the extra mile to do difficult things, such as switching to hybrid cars, reducing electricity usage, and so on. But they will have no reason at all in not doing this very simple and easy thing such as eating more vegetables and reducing meat intake.

Small can also be identified with children, who is my main target audience. It will be more effective if everything starts from the beginning, as it will grow to be a good habit. The rationale behind this concept is that there is no action too insignificant to save this earth. Every little thing counts.

Reducing our meat intake is just a simple thing to do, but it is an efficient way to fight global
warming. So by doing this small and simple act, we already create a significant impact for this earth. Everybody can start doing it NOW.

3. deliverables:

3.1 mascot
I am using broccoli for the base of the mascot. This is because broccoli has more character, and once the viewer see this mascot, they will instantly recognize that this is about vegetable. The mascot is using a cloak that show its status as a super hero that will save the earth. The mascot will be then applied to different parts of the project, each with their own expressions, movements, and properties.

3.2 vegetable font
This font was made especially for this campaign. This is to put more emphasize on the objectives of this project. Each letter was made of different kind of vegetables, arranged to the shape of the letter, and then photographed from above.

3.3 campaign movement:
three different stages of this campaign: inform, involve, equip.

The theme for this event is farm life. This will be created to be as playful as possible, that will make it possible for the guest to interact and to learn in a fun way. They can sit and play around the event booths, basically just to enjoy their time here.

At the inform stage, the emphasis will be on informing the guest of the negative impact of the meat industry, especially to our land, air, water, and forest. There will be invitation handed out to invite target audience. There will also be leaflets that will explain more about this campaign and what we are trying to achieve.

The involve stage will be more geared towards the solution. There will be advertising campaign, but with a more playful application, and that encourage the involvement of the audiences.

The next step is the equip stage, where the guests will be equipped with the tools to actually put the solution into action. There are three tools that are provided: recipe book, D.I.Y kit, and vegetable snack.

1. mascot

vegetable_font.jpg 2. vegetable font

campaign_movement.jpg 3. campaign movement