rendering of miami marine stadium

plans will be released within the next few weeks for the restoration and reuse of miami marine stadium. the stadium was listed on america’s national historic trust for historic preservation in 2009.

the building which was designed and built in 1963 by cuban architect hilario candela has not been in use since 1992 when hurricane andrew affected virgina key and the surrounding area.

students from the preservation program of the university of miami school of architecture will present the results of their study of the marine stadium basin; including uses of the stadium and land use altematives for virginia key.

miami marine stadium redevelopment plans miami marine stadium, one of the national trust for historic preservation in america 2009 courtesy of spillis candela DMJM archives

miami marine stadium redevelopment plans miami marine stadium, one of the national trust for historic preservation in america 2009 courtesy of spillis candela DMJM archives

miami marine stadium redevelopment plans miami marine stadium, one of the national trust for historic preservation in america 2009 courtesy of spillis candela DMJM archives