‘alcmea’ by antoine lacaze + charles mantoux architects

the festival of lively architecture will be held for the fourth consecutive year in languedoc, roussillon. the event offers an architectural discovery in the very heart of the city. walks links together private mansions of the 17th century and their courtyards that are often closed to public, and only open to their inhabitants. the city of montpellier possesses more than seventy private mansions, providing the escucheon of montpellier proper characteristics.

the aims of the festival are to open these emblematic sites to the audience and to present a unique architecture, conceived for one particular site, and to reveal an intimate relationship between contemporary architecture and heritage.

from june 18th – 21st 2009, about ten lively architectural projects conceived by young architects will take place in the courtyards of private mansions in the centre of montpellier. each project will answer the thematic set for this new edition of the festival  of architecture vives 2009: short-lived curiosities.

festival of lively architecture in montpellier ‘ateliermob’ by andreia salavessa + tiago mota saraiva architects

festival of lively architecture in montpellier ‘ccut architectures’ by benjamin clarens + yann martin architects

festival of lively architecture in montpellier ‘flex architecture’ by juilen bonnot + melanie gerbail architects

festival of lively architecture in montpellier isabelle guillon + maela thierry architects

festival of lively architecture in montpellier KLNB keeyong lee + nenand basic architects

festival of lively architecture in montpellier leah nanpei + koko hovaguimian architects

festival of lively architecture in montpellier julien neuwels + axel cailteux + celine hautfenne + delphine termote architects

festival of lively architecture in montpellier julien pinard + sophie guerite + cecile combelle + antonio di bacco

festival of lively architecture in montpellier

festival of lively architecture in montpellier yves rolin architect