‘coral seating modules’ by studio aisslinger

german group studio aisslinger are currently presenting their new range of furniture and homewaresat the milan design week. ‘coral seating modules’, ‘coral lamps’ and ‘mesh vases’ are on display as part of the made in berlin exhibition.

studio aisslinger at milan design week 09 ‘coral lamp’

studio aisslinger at milan design week 09 ‘mesh vases’

the mesh vases are an innovative textured glass vase series developed with CIAV meisenthal, an experimental lab for blown glass in france. for the mesh vases, a new fabrication concept was developed with CIAV – the glass is blown into a bag of glass fiber textile in an iron rack.

studio aisslinger at milan design week 09 ‘A chair’

they have designed ‘A chair’ for company l’abbate.