'cloud' chandelier

'cloud' chandelier by nick lovegrove from usa

designer's own words:

The SWAROVSKI Crystal ‘Cloud’ chandelier brings the grand tradition of Swarovski chandeliers to the modern urban dweller.
The SWAROVSKI Crystal ‘Cloud’ chandelier is wall mounted with one simple screw, needing no professional installation. It is ready to use right out of the box. Perfect for urban dwellers with low ceilings, no wiring for pendant fixtures or for renters that will be able to move their SWAROVSKI chandelier with ease.
Each crystal of the SWAROVSKI ‘Cloud’ chandelier is individually cantilevered from its wall mount on a thin stainless steel wire. The crystal’s weight flexes the wire from the wall mount into a gentle arc over the dining table.
Each crystal is illuminated fiber optically from within the wall mounted light source. The SWAROVSKI crystals, shimmering with their own interior light, collectively form a beautiful ‘cloud’ above the dinner party entertainment.

‘cloud’ chandelier by lovegrove & repucci

08swarovskilovegroverepucci2.jpg ‘cloud’ chandelier elevation by lovegrove & repucci