last time designboom covered ben fearnley, he reimagined social media platforms (like snapchat) into objects (like paper shredders). now he has deconstructed fire extinguishers into emergency wine reserve tanks, designed to put out every-day-fire, like your boss’s passive aggressions, or existing until 6pm.

ben fearnley
all images courtesy of ben fearnley



the self-initiated project is titled ‘in case of emergency’. ‘with this project,’ says ben. ‘I played on people’s cravings adding a humorous twist to what’s typically interpreted in a serious manner…flipping the focus and design language to be based around eating and drinking habits.’ it’s a funny joke. but the reality is, we probably eat first-aid donuts more often than we use anything in a real first-aid kit. 

the 4 emergency food kits designed to put out every-day-fires the 4 emergency food kits designed to put out every-day-fires ben fearnley ben fearnley ben fearnley  the 4 emergency food kits designed to put out every-day-fires the 4 emergency food kits designed to put out every-day-fires