slm by luiz felipe santa cecilia from brazil
designer's own words:
SLM is an entertainment system that combines movement, light and sound in one product. It was developed to compose an infinite variation of ambient. Passive of programming according with the situation, SLM can be used at home, stores, night clubs, shopping malls etc.
It is composed by a set of pieces that encloses three functions: light, sound and movement. The combination of these three elements, create unique effects that reveal an incredible atmosphere. The light that follows the sound rhythm allies with the movement effect giving a dynamic character to the product.
The pieces have a wireless communication that makes possible the effects adjustment even if there is feel squares or space between. It also allows display the information about the sound, light and movement configuration.
The SLM can be configured by distance with a Corian remote control that shows the light, music and movement options.
It has the options of represent pictures or graphics arts by sublimation and relief treatments on Corian.
SLM is suitable for any kind of environment, therefore its clean and modern characteristics allow a choice of either a calm atmosphere or party program, friends reunion, ambient music etc. When the system is turned off it decorates the wall like a contemporary art piece.
SLM does not necessarily need to be used with the three elements of sound, light and movement. It can also work similar to that of a sound system, as lights or decoration separately, extending his uses.
slm functions
slm styles