swash by alex gilmour from australia
designer's own words:
Swash offers a sustainable, innovative method for cleaning items using steam as a cleaning and sterilising agent. The unique cleaning process consists of alternate cycles; washing and sterilising in the single efficient unit.
High temperature steam creates an eco-friendly and cost effective solution eliminating detergent usage and chemical by-products while also hygienically cleaning killing harmful bacteria which is not always destroyed in existing methods. The sterilising feature extends the products use into the medical industry in maternity wards as well as households with newborns; places where sterilisation is critical.
As well as cleaning, Swash provides a solution to help reduce water shortage problems and excessive domestic water consumption, being an ongoing concern in Australia due to our dry climate and increasing water restrictions. The product consists of a regenerative cycle which purifies and recycles water for reuse, having minimal water loss through the evaporation of steam. This is achieved by a Nanotechnology filter and water reservoir, restricting water consumption to the required volume for ecological daily use.
The reservoir eliminates installation requirements making the product a desirable investment for renters and small households. The reservoir allows the product to operate at a consistent pressure enabling it to be used in remote regional areas; where tank water supplies are used which often is restrictive in volume and low in pressure.
Because of the size and functional features, Swash is also more energy efficient, as it takes less time to heat the small volume of water, with the overall wash program complete in under 25 minutes, offering a more ecological solution to current diswashing and sterilising models.
The size was created for an economical use in small households, for fast turn around, catering up to 4 place setting capacity. It is ergonomic to use from benchtop height minimising spinal strain associated with existing models. The front loading design provides access to all items, with the baskets completely removable for ease of loading/unloading items.
Efficient assembly and minimal fasteners are to be used so at the end of its functional life, parts are easily disassembled for recycling/reuse. It contains few mechanical parts which are all housed in the base for ease of maintenance, replacement/upgrade, helping to extend the functional life.
Minimal material was used to create a light weight structure and preserve resources. The majority of the product is made from light gauge sheet metal for ease of manufacture at reduced costs. It uses durable materials that are heat, moisture and chemical resistant and has a clean, minimal modern aesthetic to enhance user attachment for increased product longevity.
Swash General Assembly
Four setting Capacity