underage vehicle

underage vehicle by alan chung from uk

designer's own words:

(1) The Vision- The nature of interior of a room is to allocate all furnitures on the egdes, forms of furniture often has limited the creativity for use of space. The underage vehicle has integrate all elements to created a multi-layers and smooth form in the heart of room, which expand the possibility for users to experience their own space, to sleep, to relax and to work.

(2) The extra shelter space with excellent entertainment and games would be an ideal for teens, but it only allow to be use with the permition from parents when they done their work.

(3) The vehicle free all corners and walls that allow more opportunities for more personalise items like posters or photos. It has created extra security and private space within the room in a desireible form.

(4) When we were teens we desires to have our own private space, our own vehicle that gives us freedom. This vehicle is made out of three parts, the front is study space with little storage; the middle is the 'extreme private room', and the rear is wardrobe. Products should be able to sell in parts to allow users the flexibility to choose according their style they like and size of rooms.

The product

submission2.jpg The moves 1

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