
connexion by juan carlos martinez carlos from usa

designer's own words:

In a world where teenagers are always trying to make new friends especially of the opposite sex, for some it may be difficult to approach one another. Maybe because theyr’e shy or whatever the reason maybe. The connexion is disigned to create an enviorment that encourages teenagers to socialize. The positioning of the seating really pushes the issue of getting to know someone due to the privacy iissue of the seating. The use for the connexion i s intended to be used in a school setting, were primarily all you see is little clicks among students. If one wanted to get to know someone the connexion would be the perfect scenario for this issue. Its bulky size also provides an excellent working atmosphere as well. Its symetrical form really accomodates the circulation of the furniture in any direction. The furniture is designed to have a positve and negative space that sits two people. Or like i like to call a female side which is represented by a pink cushion, and a male side that has a red cushion. Its the perfect enviorment to socialize with the opposite sex.

