Study Square by lauren wenchel from usa
designer's own words:
The idea was to design an area for students to study and lounge with friends in a comfortable and modern setting. I wanted it to be functional and have many possibilities within its design. In it's most simple form it's a large square chair that can easily fit 2 people. The back rest of the chair has a low rise (able to be stepped over), and a flat hard surface on top to rest books, with possibly cup holders for soda and other snack food. When connected to 3 other chairs it creates a very low to the ground study square able to fit 8 average sized students. Hooks behind the chair are placed for backpacks to be hung on, and cubbies are for shoes and other objects. Students are able to slip off their shoes and relax within a comfortable lounge. A table is also a part of the design that is sleek and able to fit underneath the chairs in the center to function as a work table for the study group, or when the chairs are used separately, as a simple side table.
A sleek, modern study area for today’s teenage students