contours – a teenage lifestyle

contours – a teenage lifestyle by amruta ranade from india

designer's own words:

The theme here is CONTOURS.
Contours for us symbolize the youth: The teens.
Teens with an identity of their own, with a life of their own.
It symbolizes the life trend: The growth.
How life moves from one level to another and
a child grows to become a teen and from teen to a young adult.
Here contours are used to create a whole lifestyle for the teens.
A workplace, a sleeping area and an entertainment area.
Ascending, fast, accessibility, style, modernism and power is what teenage is all about and it is these qualities that contours is also all about.
Contours made by molding plastic using bright colors like orange and green to give the complete essence of the theme TEENS!!

the room

copy_0_teen2.jpg looking through the wall

copy_0_teen3.jpg the furniture