
Inflated by Pascale Brutsaert from belgium

designer's own words:

Adolescence is a period of change during which the young person evolves in permanence "Inflated" is a piece of furniture which evolves/moves at the same time as him. The adolescent can read there, sleep on it, discuss with his friends, watch the television etc... Upon his desires, he can modulate it in several manners. He can adapt his piece of furniture fully. "Inflated" is a kind of carpet of 5m length on 1m broad, carried out in transparent inflatable rolls like the beach play toys. The rolls have different diameters (10, 15 or 20 cm diameter) creating a visual animation. At various places, one finds scratches which make it possible to modulate the carpet. One can thus create varied forms being able to accommodate the teenager and his friends. The inflatable nature of the product corresponds perfectly to the needs and waiting of the teenagers. The inflatable piece of furniture is compact when it is deflated, it is easily transportable, it is set up quickly, one can as well use it in interior as in outside and it has a very ludic side for the young people!

