
WonderChill by vandiepenbeeck alain from belgium

designer's own words:

An adolescent’s furniture is very limited, mainly because his living space is small. The idea was to avoid creating additional furniture by taking advantage of the existing furniture base.
Adapt an object to the existing ones by changing their primary use without altering their utility.

In order to make the most of the existing space, this piece of furniture had to be handy and easy to put aside. In general, a room is primarily composed of a sleeping space (bed) and a working space (desk) which results in limited available space for the so-called “social space”.

The main adavantage of the “WonderChill" is to be able to invest the sleeping space, or a wall, in to a “mini living room” without having to reorganise the room’s furniture.
It adapts to the bed in order to transform the latest into a sofa while assuring a comfortable support for the spine.
In fact, the adolescent is able to adapt his room into a social space without altering the layout of the room’s furniture.

The shape has to be pleasant in order to create the desire to rest upon it. It also has to reflect the pillow’s primary function both closed and open. The idea was to start from a shape that would keep, once extruded, the same identity. The angles are rounded to promote the mellowness aspect of the “WonderChill"

Its use is quite simple in order to be able to use it frequently. The main pillow is a ring made of extruded polyurethane, covered by a fireproof texture. Inside, there is another pillow that swells when using a hair dryer against the opening.
On each side of the main pillow, two additional pillows unfold (in fact, they only form one pillow because they are connected on the inside): one angle pillow and one similar to the main pillow. Both are covered by the same fireproof texture and both are rolled on the inside with a plastic pellicle.
Once unfolded, the pillow forms an “angle-sofa” which is able to comfortably welcome up to three adolescents. The pillow’s angle enables to insist on the social aspect of this sofa. Indeed, adolescents can sit and see each other, avoiding a group of people to be seated next to each other.

