functure 50/50

functure 50/50 by carl fordham from uk

designer's own words:

The Concept:

The main idea behind this concept is to break up traditionally large furniture units such as a bed and mattress to create additional functionality and optimise low space areas such as bedrooms. The main double bed assembly allows the user to quickly rotate the mid unit 180 degrees to produce a picnic bench unit and convert the rest area into a work or social area. This can be done without moving the tv/computer (see - bed to bench image).


The main components are moulded plastic as are the connector components. The double mattress is made up from 3 foam-based sections with durable machine washable covers. The mattress components are retained through large Velcro areas.


I believe that the greatest needs of teenagers are space, flexibility, freedom to express themselves and the desire to have fun. Furniture should not be inflexible and prescriptive, therefore this idea is merely a set of tools for teenagers to express themselves and reconfigure their own spaces to suit whatever needs they have.

This is also the type of product I’d like to take my son to buy. Currently I can’t think of a place he’d less rather be than existing furniture stores. Roll on the future.

functure – the 50/50

functure_5050_bed_to_bench.gif 50/50 bed to bench

functure_5050_configurations.gif 50/50 configurations