
mow by john gorman auggie from usa

designer's own words:

            According to Peter Zollo in his book Wise Up to Teens, in 1998 teens spent 94 billion dollars of their own money and spent over 140 billion when combined with money received from family. Zollo states teens are important because they set the trends for things such as blue jeans, rock and hip-hop. He also attributes “coolness” as the number one factor in a teen’s decision to purchase something.  Research indicates 80% of teens 18-19 years old regard the following as indicators of “coolness”; number one quality, number two, merchandise that is specifically for them, and number three, newness of brand.
Using this information and the following research as a guideline, I developed modular, adaptable furniture, for use in teenage bedrooms and dorm rooms.
            My research has shown through interviews, observation and use of tool kits designed for generating ideas, that teens want individualized consumer products for them and currently on the market there is a very limited selection available. One common denominator my research found was whether alone or with friends; their bedrooms are where they spend most of their time. Many indicated the need for a couch so they have a place to lounge around with their friends.
            My final design “MOW” is geared for teens living in dorms or small spaces. It comes in a package of five units with its primary function is to be used as shelves, but is highly adaptable for many uses. It can be used for seating friends when they come over, used as an extra bed for visitors, used as a combination seat/table for laptop use, made into a screen for privacy or extra wall space, and used as a chaise lounge for relaxing. When stacked as shelves, the smaller slots combine for C.D. storage. The two slots in the mid section are intended for holding magazines.
            The “MOW” unit is manufactured using a two-part mold. An outer “soft feel” Polyurethane coating is applied followed by high density Polyurethane foam. Magnets are to be embedded in key locations for stacking, arranging and safety. The pad is made of industrial felt and adhesive will be used to secure it to the piece.
            Through extensive research, modeling and ideation, “MOW” is a product unique to the ever-changing world of teens. By listening to their needs and wants, my product will be an extension of their personalities and fulfill their needs for individualized furniture system.

many uses

pg2tableshelf.jpg first a shelf

3furncon.jpg then a lounge…