the matrix

the matrix by from

designer's own words:

Teens around the age of 12 are beginning to discover and create their own identities. Speaking for myself, I was thinking about sex, individuality, rebellion and how to impress my friends and girls. I believe that teens want to stand out among their friends; they want to impress them and attract the opposite sex. Also at this age, they want to avoid their parents and privatize their lives. Teens begin to not talk to their parents about their life outside of the home and they isolate themselves in their rooms more frequently. They hang out with their friends, gossiping about boys, girls and their personal lives. Teens immerse themselves in video games, TV, movies, music, and anything that will distract them from school, work and their parents.

Becoming an adult is confusing and stressful, and trying to understand and deal with all of the emotions and hormonal changes adds to the stress. Because of this, privacy is a very important issue with teens. With these emotions and hormonal changes come sexual desires and the challenges of expressing or hiding them. How do I capture this essence of teens in the form of furniture?

Teens express themselves in many different ways, for example, through clothing, jewelry, tattoos, music, hair styles, piercing and the way they decorate and furnish their bedrooms. I want to focus on the individual expressiveness and sexuality of teens. I want to design a piece of furniture that will enable a teen to express his or her individuality and create a sense of privacy. I want this furniture to demonstrate the essence of the outwardly rebellious and sexual nature and tendencies of teens. The kind of teen that I’m referring to is outwardly rebellious and uniquely expressive in appearance and in attitude.

