so clear

so clear by juan manuel moran from mexico

designer's own words:

Universe: the order amongst the chaos. A teenager’s bedroom: the chaos inside the order. Transparence. Clarity. So clear is all that and more. The So clear stool alouds a regular teenager to customize its see-through walls with all the chaos that he (or she) wants, call it your best friends pictures, or a sea of pens and sharpeners. So clear is a table, a lamp, a piece of furniture that may grow up to the infinitum by adding new pieces of the main module. Duplicate or triplicate the space, duplicate or triplicate the light. It piles up, it plugs, it opens and closes. Take out the long cushion and take a nap on top of a couple of them. Store whatever you want to be seen. So fun. So useful. So versatile. And still, so clear. Material: Main body: injected 12 mm polycarbonate / Mat storage compartment: laminated MDF / Long cushion-mat: memory foam / Light box: 12 mm acrylic / Connectors: Aluminum.

So clear: main views

so_useful.jpg Opened doors/Long cushion

so_versatile.jpg So versatile