
modoo by claudia neto alves from portugal

designer's own words:

Teenager. Synonymous of fashion, technology, future, fun, changes…

Modoo proposes an easy, simple and appealing solution to fulfill de gap between teenagers and the static pieces of furniture that surround them.

Through modules that can be pushed or changed over a simple structure, teens can build their own space, according to state of mind or need of comfort.

Thus, with just a simple change they're able to have broad partying spaces or a cozy spot for studying or relaxing.

The furnishing system is as simple as a round bar, were fiber glass panels with a U-shapped application can slide over the bar. Note that the round bar circles the entire room, and is electrified for power source of certain panels (eg. light modoo).

With the modoo system, teenagers can have a new room every day!

detail of the sliding system

modoo_02.jpg different modoos

modoo_03.jpg modoo work