the world’s tallest statue has been officially inaugurated by india’s prime minister narendra modi. designed in collaboration with michael graves architecture & design (MGA&D), the ‘statue of unity’ — which was previewed on designboom earlier this year — tops out at 182 meters (597 feet), almost twice the height of the statue of liberty. the monument depicts sardar patel, a leader and statesman who united the country’s diverse states to build one republic. patel, who passed away in 1950, is commonly referred to as ‘the architect of independent india’.

worlds tallest statue of unity
all images and video courtesy of the government of gujarat



located near navagam, a city in india’s westernmost state of gujarat, the project was completed in less than five years. the ‘statue of unity’ comprises two semi-joined, composite concrete cylindrical cones, which are surrounded by a structural steel space frame that supports the external cladding. a viewing gallery at a height of 152 meters (500 feet) provides views of the sardar sarovar dam and towards the nearby mountain ranges.

worlds tallest statue of unity
the monument depicts sardar patel, who united the country’s diverse states to build one republic



in addition to a viewing gallery 152 meters (55o feet) above ground, on-site facilities include a visitor center and a garden. MGA&D has also designed roadways that connect the site to the surrounding community. ‘the statue will stand high, not just in meters and feet, but much more in terms of academic, historical, national and spiritual values,’ says prime minister narendra modi. ‘my vision is to develop the place as a source of inspiration for ages to come.’ see designboom’s previous coverage of the project here.

worlds tallest statue of unity
the statue was officially inaugurated by india’s prime minister narendra modi

worlds tallest statue of unity
a detail of the statue’s toe shows the structure’s incredible scale

worlds tallest statue of unity
the project is located near navagam, a city in india’s westernmost state of gujarat

worlds tallest statue of unity
a visitor center forms part of the on-site program