
metamorph by tina midtgaard from denmark

designer's own words:

metamorph - customize your doorway.
transforms a 2D surface to a 3D space.
creates possibility of customizing your own door.
the grid components come in various shapes and materials depending on function and purpose.

the frame is wood or aluminium.
the 2 examples show 4 different scenarios.

door 1
left - bathroom
function: storage, mirror, lighting.
material: vacuummoulded plastic.

right - bedroom
function: soundreduction, storage of magazines, newspapers, slippers, etc.
material: felt thickness 10 mm., stainless steel.

door 2
left - hallway
function: window in childrens height, hatch for pets.
material: walnutveneer, stainless steel.

right - childrens room
function: storage of books and toys, nightlamp, window in childrens height, hatch for pets.
material: wood, plastic and glass


copy_9_file_02.jpg hallway/childrens room

copy_9_file_03.jpg Exploded view