system to paradise by tim sengstock from germany
designer's own words:
the design proposal "system to paradise" does not question the way a door works or looks like. the difference in the design of this system becomes visible when the light situation changes. the 0.3mm veneer finish allows light to pass through. there is a glimpse of what might happen on the other side. shades and light intensity can be seen but the action has to be sensed. in this state the door is passive object. it becomes active when the integrated led-lighting system is switched on. the door becomes a light source. the led is connected via the hinges of the door. a 12v support is save and can be switched on and off with a normal switch beside the door. a structural main frame gives stiffness to the system and holds the conventional hinges, handles and lock. the veneer is glued to a light transparent polycarbonate plate that adds the needed mechanical toughness to the frame. the plate can be replaced when an other surface is desired. wood neneer is just the beginning! every material that is thin and translucent enough can be attached. this can be ultra thin stone slices, fabirc or a printed mater. the system can change its apperance from conservative / passive to expressionistic / funky. it is made for constant change. the led lighting can shine in white light or an rgb color system can add millions of colours to the individual door skin. the system to paradise allows each individual to design its personal doorway to heaven.