it is enclosed. by hiroshi tomikawa from japan
designer's own words:
I caught inspiration from the street trees which the light that the fusuma picture of KAII HIGASHIYAMA and daily life were seen was caught from, and didn't think whether the door which a natural leaf was used for was made.
A fusuma picture is the traditional door of Japan which makes the space.
A fusuma picture makes the material of the nature a motif,mountain, sea, River, deep forest.
Possibility as a material of the natural leaf ?
A natural leaf is enclosed by the acrylic resin.
The door which isn't transparent is completed with being transparent and being here.
Light is caught, and a shadow is produced, and an enclosed leaf makes an expression with the depth a door. When it uses as the outside door, the space is filled with the beautiful light which passed through the door.
One sheet of door must enrich the space.