ball storage

ball storage by from

designer's own words:

Teenage storage

I designed storage with teenagers in mind, bright and colourful but most of all individual. The spherical storage balls come in a wide variety of colours and could easily be achieved.
The balls in (file 1) would be cheap to make using injection moulding for the main body and with bolt on clear plastic outer shell. The legs have fixable ball and socket joints to give the storage character and individualism, by positioning the legs at different angles, the balls could be looking at you or sitting down etc (file 2).
An alternative to the elegant simple forms of the smooth surface would be these furry jackets (file 3) coming in a variety of colours they provide a new texture to the design.

three colourful little friends (file 1)

teenagerdeskpod_copy.jpg one orange frined in situe (file 2)

photo.jpg furry friends (file 3)