foam storage

foam storage by from

designer's own words:

Teenage foam storage

The idea with this design is that items like mp3 players, mobile phones, magazine and other common items could be squeezed between the foam which would than hold it in place. The can be set at different distances so that you can put in bigger or smaller products. The bars can also be moved round, in order to change the shape of the piece (file 1, file 2). Different forms effect the use and locations it can be situated e.g. short for the table (file 3), tall for the floor or even draped over a bed. The foam and tightening parts could easily be produced in a variety of colours and texture giving the consumer more choice and a chance to be individual.

storage in different colours (file 1)

magazinestandingteen.jpg sstorage in standing possition (file 2)

teenagerdesk_copy.jpg foam storage in situe (file 3)