writer's bench

writer's bench by carl alviani from usa

designer's own words:

What do teens want? To have their own way.

Surrounded by authority figures, one of the strongest desires in a teenage life is to find their own space, say their own thing, take something as their own. Skateboards, posters, snowboards, backpacks and thousands of other objects dear to the teenage heart feature wide arrays of colors, patterns and graphics, giving enough choice to speak out, stay hip, fit in, or stand out.

The original Writer's Bench is located in a Bronx subway station, and saw the birth of modern New York graffiti style. This piece of furniture takes its name and creative spirit from the original. The flat, knockdown construction allows not only low cost manufacture and shipment, but a large canvas for colors and graphics which teens can combine and customize to find their own bliss.

Construction is specified as 2cm plywood plus Corian (or similar) laminate, and assembles by friction fit using a rubber mallet -- no hardware required.

The Writer’s Bench

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