
open by mikko järvenpää from finland

designer's own words:


Cabinet for spices

I present here a new consept for a spice cabinet. In this consept the old way of storing spices within the walls and in the drawers is replaced by an open sturucture. It allows the user to build up a spice cabinet for his needs. The shape of the ‘cabinet’ is up to user – whatever fits to each specific kitchen! Where there was a drawer there is now a container which is directly attached to the wall by a small ruber lid. The number of drawers user can deside as he wishes. When cooking one can see all the spices by a glimpse, so it is very convinient and practical to use. The simple shape of the container shows the beauty of the natural colors of spices, which also give color in an interesting way to the whole the kitchen.

mesurments and exsample of the layout in kitchen

open2.jpg way to use the container