living kitchen

living kitchen by zillich florian from germany

designer's own words:

living - kitchen

a single-furniture system for the living atmosphere in the kitchen which has well thought through functional elements and sideboards. it is supplemented by cupboards with the same design. adaptable kitchen boards can be put into open

the kitchen can also stand freely in the room with its closed backside, it can be set in front of window areas and in rooms with difficult measures. it can also be used as a compact kitchen in offices and studios.

the installation can be done without any adaptions or adjusting.

the "living - kitchen" modules can be extended without any difficulties and can be
moved very easily.


functional boards are made of corian or colour powdered aluminum plates; a hpl-compact plate may also be possible.
corpuses are made of coated wood-materials.
the functional elements are connected by double-t-beams.
selection of steel feet for the sideboards.


elements.jpg functional elements

container.jpg container