ResoNet Bridge Pavilion

ResoNet Bridge Pavilion by william hailiang chen from uk

designer's own words:

Christmas in Japan is overwhelmingly a secular celebration devoid of religious meaning and often a spectacular Christmas setting helps consumers feel like spending much more freely. This global consumer Christmas in Japan has been promoted by a number of global merchants and corporations. The ResoNet Bridge Pavilion is intended to give a self-reflection journey and spiritual inspiration towards simple living.
The Bridge Pavilion consists of a traditional Japanese timber bridge enclosed by a cable net circular tunnel, which is covered by varied translucent resin panels - lunar effect film sheets. Two steel rings stretch a network of vibration sensors & LED nodes that are fixed at key intersections on the tensile web to detect minute vibrations as a response to human and natural activity on the bridge. Be it the sway of the trees, or a passing car, the energy is transformed into light that resonates across the structure. Visitors are encouraged to go through different zones from the beginning of the darkest space gradually open up to the uprise of the daylight, where natural scenes such as fog, drizzle rain and rainbow were created in respectively.
The resin panels give a dramatic constant changing dressing. Its color depends on visitors’ viewing perspective and peripheral lighting conditions. The project is aiming to explore the boundaries between art, culture, architecture and technology to create physical and ephemeral conditions, which it reminds the visitors to pursue a life of meaning.


ResoNet Bridge Pavilion


ResoNet Bridge Pavilion


ResoNet Bridge Pavilion


ResoNet Bridge Pavilion


ResoNet Bridge Pavilion


ResoNet Bridge Pavilion