The Bloom of Matsuyama

The Bloom of Matsuyama by Plus Collab. from

designer's own words:

The blooming of a Flower – it represents life, freshness, and beauty to behold. A symbol of Matsuyama, the blooming of the Camelia represents the unfurling of the city, sharing with us, as outsiders, the jubilee of its life within its streets and the beauty of the city and its heritage.

This gesture of blooming and what it symbolises is captured in the creation of a souvenir – an intricately packaged blooming Camellia Flower Tea. The gesture of opening the packaging resembles the blooming of the flower, revealing the vibrant colours within, preciously housing the flower tea buds.

One makes the tea by picking up a dried tea bud. On contact with water, the leaves unfurl, revealing the flower in its glorious bloom. With this souvenir, the visitor shares with his friend back home, a sense of the beauty Matsuyama has to offer through the symbol of the Blooming Tea.

The blooming flower bud slowly unfurls in water, radiating with beauty and scent while the packaging mimics the poetics of the unfolding.


The Bloom of Matsuyama
The experience of a product starts from its packaging; experience the bloom as you interact with the souvenir.