pizza purchasers in parts of canada last week opened boxes of steaming hot pies to find the classic plastic pizza ‘tables’ paired with miniature patio chairs. the tiny seats are precisely scaled-down reproductions of actual outdoor furniture sets, and have been 3D-printed using food safe materials. the initiative is the second time canadian pizza restaurant boston pizza and advertising agency john st. collaborated on a comical pizza campaign — previously they created a box that turned into a tray to let you enjoy your food in bed.

finally, that little plastic pizza table has its own tiny takeout patio chairs
all images courtesy of  john st.



boston pizza and john st. took a universal observation about takeout pizza ‘savers’ — which are actually there to prevent your pie from sticking to the top of the box — into a funny summertime surprise. ‘as long as I can remember, people have said those delivery pizza savers look like little patio tables’ said paul little, creative director at john st. ‘as soon as we had the idea to make the little chairs to go with them, we knew we had something great. it just makes everyone happy.’ 

finally, that little plastic pizza table has its own tiny takeout patio chairs

finally, that little plastic pizza table has its own tiny takeout patio chairs